Prevent Mi
The Training Curriculum aims to equip youth workers with innovative learner-centred methods and digital tools to prevent the migrant youth radicalisation through Emotional Intelligence and Transformative Learning. This will contribute to support quality development, innovation and digital transformation in youth work, and will promote social inclusion of young migrants. The consortium will develop this project result by means of defining and mapping the Learning Outcomes (LO) that youth workers need to work on the project topic.
This novel and unprecedented Training Curriculum will be developed by European reference systems, such as the EQF, to promote the evaluation and assessment of training following the LO approach. The transferability of this project result, to be available as an OER in English and all languages of the consortium, will help create significant prospects for further dissemination and implementation of the Curriculum at the national and European level. The project’s Dissemination & Sustainability Strategy will support widespread access to this WP’s results on a local, national and European scale.
The main objective of WP3. PreventMI eLearning Plaform is the design and implementation of a new ICT-based educational tool and a set of functional and interactive techniques and activities for youth workers focused on preventing the migrant youth radicalisation through Emotional Intelligence and Transformative Learning.
The e-Learning Platform will provide a suite of innovative digital services that will support the implementation and management of online ICT-based training programs that will be at the disposal of project participants, supporters, target users and beneficiaries. Additionally, it will act as a networking hub for the purpose of sharing, promoting and mainstreaming the use of the project’s results, which will be designed as OERs.
The Personal RoadmApp aims to develop of a digital tool based on gamification and roadmapping approaches to engage young migrants in applying the prevention of radicalisation of this group in their daily practice.
The Toolkit aims to develop a set of functional and interactive techniques, exercises and practical activities to be used by youth workers in their work with young migrants.
Both tools confer a novel character to the development of capacities and the involvement of the young migrants in relation to preventing radicalisation. In the case of disadvantaged groups that have difficulty connecting with these subjects, the use of dynamic and participatory tools will get them involved and motivate them.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission, through the ERASMUS+ programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project Number: 2022-2-NO02-KA220-YOU-000095299